Mortgage Financing With Fixed or Adjustable Rates

by John Stevenson on February 10, 2014

Financial institutions look at different factors, including the type of mortgage and the amount of down payment. The mortgage market offers plenty of options, but borrowers who put 20 percent down are more likely to get favorable terms and rates. Down payment ideas include sources such as government assistance, taxable investments, your retirement savings, and others. To find money for the down payment, you can liquidate assets such as collectibles, works of art and vehicles. The main benefit for borrowers who make a sizeable down payment is lower monthly payments. The combination of a considerable down payment and passive and active sources of income increases your chances of approval. Borrowers with poor or fair credit face more limited options because they are considered risky by financial institutions. Borrowers can choose from different types of lenders, including brick-and-mortar banks and non-traditional entities.

Financial institutions offer different products, including bad credit personal and auto loans. Mortgage financing with fixed or adjustable rates is one option. The downside for risky borrowers is the higher interest rate and monthly payments.

It is important to demonstrate a steady income stream which shows that you are able to make payments toward your mortgage. Lenders that offer secured loans require some valuable asset to be offered as collateral. Borrowers with poor credit have better chances to qualify for a secured loan because banks take less risk. Financial institutions accept various types of collateral, including home equity, credit claims, structured securities, and others. Examples of collateral include cash equivalents, jewelry, equipment, and more. Increasing your income also means better chances of getting approved. Whether you are a casual or part-time employee is also taken into account. Finding a second job may help negotiate better terms and rates.

Unsecured and secured loans differ when it comes to the criteria for approval, interest rate, and other factors. A shorter term means higher monthly payments, but borrowers pay less in interest charges. Whether you apply for a mortgage or unsecured loan, timely payments help rebuild credit.

Unsecured loans are another option for borrowers with compromised credit, but they are less likely to get approved. Even if you qualify for an unsecured loan, expect to get a higher interest rate. Whether your credit score is bad, fair, or less than perfect plays a role. People are also asked about their income level and employment details. Some people have a steady income while others are paid a percentage of each sale plus a fixed amount. It is a good idea to list all active and passive sources of income.

Related resources:
Desjardins: Mortgage Financing Loans

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